For their milestone 30th anniversary, this renowned Chicago-based architectural firm approached us to rejuvenate their identity. Our mission was to craft a contemporary messaging framework and web experience that would propel their vision, fuel future talent acquisition, and bolster business growth.
Website Design
Visual Design
Pappageorge Haymes Partners was a pioneer of adaptive reuse, embracing an architectural style of efficiency that favors function and form over flair. With this in mind, we took a rigorous, grid-driven approach to the site design. Clean lines. Rational purpose. Like a well-designed building, it’s easy to find your destination because the framework is thoughtful, well-researched, and grounded in how a user interacts with the space.
For the messaging, we proposed a framework the firm could adapt and modify as needed without impacting the integrity of the approach. Instead of the usual pie-in-the-sky over-promising, we anchored on keywords guided by the principles the firm used to choose its projects – as advocates, caretakers, collaborators, and placemakers.