Elevating Audio in the Digital Age

Dolby Atmos represented a quantum leap in audio technology. While the product was poised to redefine audio experiences, the team faced the challenge of ensuring its launch lived up to the immense anticipation. In both consumer and professional domains, Dolby Atmos aimed to establish itself as a transformative force, setting a new benchmark in audio quality and immersion.


Visual Design
Content Strategy
Website Design
Social  Campaigns



Targeting audio professionals and prosumers, we developed a thought leadership platform to explore the immersive capabilities of Dolby Atmos and the cutting-edge technology behind it. Through a combination of compelling narratives and eye-catching visuals, we aimed to explain, promote, and visualize the transformative impact of Atmos on the audio landscape.


For a social campaign targeted at gamers, we created dynamic, 3D motion graphics to embody the depth and richness of Atmos sound. Each graphic served as a visual representation of the unparalleled audio clarity and immersive nature of Dolby Atmos, effectively capturing the attention of our target audience.



Throughout the campaign, we closely monitored performance metrics and user engagement and continuously optimized our content and targeting strategies.Our social campaign delivered remarkable results, achieving an impressive 17% click-through rate (compared to an industry average of  3 to 7%) and securing over 32,000 downloads — surpassing our initial targets and further solidifying Dolby's position as a leader in audio technology innovation.

Kris Poorbaugh is a creative superhero.
He's open to partnerships, projects, and pizza. 

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Kris Poorbaugh is a creative superhero. He's open to partnerships, projects, and pizza.

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